Metastatic breast cancer in Austria
AGMT_MBC Registry

Short title: AGMT_MBC-Registry
Title: Metastatic breast cancer in Austria
Status: open
Start: June 2015
Coordinating Investigator: Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Greil
NIS Number: NIS004886
Number of patients: 1607
Sponsor: AGMT gemeinnützige GmbH
This registry is a prospective and retrospective, multicentre collection of data on patients with metastatic breast cancer in Austria. All tumour characteristics, medical histories and also treatment sequences are documented in anonymised form. For documentation in the registry, no further diagnostic or therapeutic measures are required than those already necessary in general. Participation in the registry must not interfere with treatment routines. A written consent must be obtained prior to the input of data. No informed consent is required from deceased patients.
Primary endpoints:
Epidemiological evaluations:
- General characteristics of metastatic stage patients in Austria
- Assessment of metastatic stage breast cancer subtypes in Austria
- Assessment of the specific characteristics and frequency of metastatic breast cancer
- Data on survival of female patients with metastatic breast cancer in Austria
- Assessment of metastatic breast cancer therapies in Austria
- Assessment of therapy response outside clinical studies
- First-line therapy
- Second-line therapy
- Third and higher lines of therapy
Specific questions:
Specific questions are also investigated, such as the frequency of histology preparations from metastases, the frequency of histological discrepancies between primary tumour and metastasis, the importance of surgery of primary tumour and metastasis in metastatic breast cancer.
Inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria (selected):
- Histological evidence of breast cancer
- Histological and/or radiological evidence of metastases
- Metastasis within 10 years of registry initiation
- Signed informed consent (if a patient has already died at the time of entry, the entry can be made without a declaration of consent)
Due to the non-interventional design of the registry there are no specific inclusion or exclusion criteria.